lol...thanks "Adam" for discovering us..."Woman" (never thought we can be that HAZARDOUS)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
When health gets WEIRD...*teng..teng..teng..*
I came across this articles (randomly) few weeks ago about some strange and bizarre health stories..and here some of it which I found "interesting"..

and this is the person who are a famous Pica disorder patient....

A clinic in Indonesia claims that smoking actually cures cancer, emphysema and autism by blowing the smoke from “Divine Cigarette’ into the ears and nose of a person. The startling claim goes against all medical proof that smoking is linked to and increased a person’s risk of cancer and other diseases. Her theories have never been clinically tested to prove they work.
"Koro" a.k.a "Penis Panic"
Basically, this so called syndrome happens when one person believe that his external genitals is shrinking and/or disappear (now u see it...and now u don't). Mostly strikes in Asia and Africa, but don't worry...this "syndrome" can be cured... (ehem...never knew that "penis" can get
Pica Disorder
This is a medical disorder where a person commonly eats things that aren't actually FOOD such as metal,paper, dirt..etc (most of it are INDIGESTIBLE) . It is believe to be caused by mineral deficiency and may be dangerous especially to children.
and this is the person who are a famous Pica disorder patient....

Michel Lotito (who eventually died because of natural causes)
some of them even become a "famous" street performer...

Fat Women are Happier than???
Psychologist at a University in Canada suggested that overweight women
are happier as the body fat protects them from negative moods. They think the
link is due to oestrogen and serotonin, used in antidepressants, which are found
in fatty issue and therefore overweight women have higher levels. In other words,
the higher the BMI (body mass index) the lower the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
are happier as the body fat protects them from negative moods. They think the
link is due to oestrogen and serotonin, used in antidepressants, which are found
in fatty issue and therefore overweight women have higher levels. In other words,
the higher the BMI (body mass index) the lower the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
If u have cancer...Please SMOKE
* I wonder which brand of that "Divine Cigarette" is....Gudang Garam??? Lucky Strike Lights??...just curious...

We are sure living in a Crazy, mixed up world...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
DAILY CONVERSATION: Easy Sunday Morning...
7am....and its raining.......
Religious Mom (grumpy face) :
"hey, wake up sleepy head..its already 7am...lambat nanti kita pegi church ni bangun la
cepat!!... go get ur breakfast and shower..."
Silly Daughter (half sleeping mood):
"erkkk....mak, im not in the mood today...*feeling like a BIG Sinner bcoz she ...
1. still "searching" her purpose in life...
2. still in doubt whether to believe if God is really out there....(seeing is believing or believing is seeing???)*
Religious Mom (feeling sad and disappointed) :
"hmmmmm...what happen to u (u used to loved going to church when you are little)...kau dah lupa about our religion?? have u lost ur faith??"
Silly Daughter:
*prefer to remain silent and not in the mood to explain further why she do not want to go bcoz her mom will give her a "long lecturer" about God and etc.*
Religious Mom:
"hmmmmm...ok la..if u dont want to go, mak tak mau are old enough to decide which one is good for you and which one is not...but please remember..if you pray sincerely, God will hear your prayer..."
Silly Daughter:
*return to her sleep while thinking (what really happen to me, God??...i do change a lot during this few years...have I really really lost faith in you?? what should I do, God, everything seems to fall apart...)
*Dear I the "silly" one??*
Friday, May 6, 2011
People that INSPIRED me TODAY (to not giving up HOPE)....
This guy....
(which I happen to stumble upon... accidentally!!)
who is he???
- Canadian guy who apparently lost one of his leg due to cancer....
- Started a cross country run (Marathon of Hope) to raise money for cancer research (and he is successful in doing so...YEAH!!)
- Run for about for about 143 days and 5373km (which is FREAKINGLY AWESOME!!! about COURAGE with one artificial leg)
- Had to ended his cross-country run outside Thunder Bay (some place in Canada i think) as the cancer worsen...and died 9 months later....
why do I CARE???
- His COURAGE and KINDNESS in helping people...while he is still young... even though he still not fully recover...( i wish i can do this kind of thing...i don't know....maybe someday...somewhere...)
- His EFFORT in proving himself worthy of LIFE (which is sometimes I take it for granted as a normal human being)...
- One who inspired us (if not giving up HOPE (fingers crossed!!!)
and lastly...
He got his own statue and memorial in few places in Canada (jealous much???)....hehehe..just kidding....
His story is just INSPIRATIONAL!!!
(ORDINARY people doing EXTRA-ORDINARY stuff, which sometimes change how we look into things...and be GRATEFUL for whatever we have today...)
GOD BLESS u Terry...may u be in HEAVEN
*Jesus Christ SUPERSTAR!!!...that guy in the red shirt really gives me a GOOSEBUMPS...whats wrong with him, being posses by Demon or he just a FREAK??*
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Ele-PHOBIA and Sassy Dude??? *Best 8 seconds of My Life*
I have to admit...I do have PHOBIA!!! and it called....
CYNOPHOBIA (Fear of Dogs)
It stared when I was 9 years old...Long make it short, I was chased by a "Big Scary Looking Dog" when I visited my friend (which happen to be the owner of that "Big Scary Looking Dog".....FML)
I still remember I run like CRAZY crying and I thought "Matila!!!...that dog is going to gigit aku...waaaaaaaaaaaa...makkkkkkkkkkkk"...but LUCKLY...I'm saved dari kena gigit bcoz I run towards my friend neighbor house and just hide there, Trembling and Crying (hey...I'm only 9...what do u expect??..hehehe) until that "Big Scary Looking Dog" go away...phewwww!!!
From that very moment, every time I see a dog (whether its a small or big, cute or not, near or long as it is a DOG)...I started to TREMBLE and have this URGE to escape, run as fast as i long as I can avoid it ...I'm f**k**gly serious!!!...and I still have this "FEELING" until now...though it is not as worse as "the old days"..but still....
* I just LOVE his REACTION...hahahaha...EPIC FACE!!!*
but,why did HE ride on it in the first place????
Friday, April 29, 2011
A·POC·A·LYPSE... Rebecca Black...
here's the thing...I'm a MUSIC lover...i listen to ALMOST all kind/type of music...BUT, on one sunny day (happen about few weeks ago...) as i was browsing through in search of, what i would called "music inspiration"....
so..i was like " oh well...guess i should watch it 2...who knows maybe the song is "superb". The NEW TEENAGE SUPERSTAR emerged from YOUTUBE sensation like Justin Bieber and other talented people who become famous by just by posting their video in HOPE someone (i mean talent agents or something) will notice it... i watch and listen to the song.........
(OMG!!!....adui na,buruknya ni lagu...rugi wasting 3 mins and 48 sec of my day watching and listening to this "un-inspirational" song ever...)
Rebecca Black- Friday (Official Video).....the MOST VIEWED video of the day i watch and listen to the song.........
(OMG!!!....adui na,buruknya ni lagu...rugi wasting 3 mins and 48 sec of my day watching and listening to this "un-inspirational" song ever...)
( search begins...)
- she is 14 yrs old American teen pop singer.....(just happen to be)
- uploaded her MV to YOUTUBE...and walaaa!!! received over 120 million views within 2 months and still counting....(even Michael Jackson MV got viral after he died...)
- the funny thing is....she is the RECORD holder for the most DISLIKED video ever in YOUTUBE history...
(over 2 millions is EPIC!!!)
- also...the WORST VIDEO IN THE WORLD...i thought Lady GAGA "Born This Way" was the worst.... o_O
i wonder how she deal with this....???
ok..some of the funny part about this MV/song:
1. the LYRIC....
Verse 1
"Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)
Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?"
Verse 2
"You know what it is
I got this, you got this
My friend is by my right
I got this, you got this
Now you know it"
I got this, you got this
My friend is by my right
I got this, you got this
Now you know it"
(what is it that she got???)
and the funniest part ever...
"Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after...wards
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after...wards
(even illiterate people know this...*no offence)
2. the MV..
underage kid driving a car???
who is this RAPPER anyway??? lol...
3. "humorous" comments frm her YOUTUBE channel...
Top Comments
and lastly.....
Safety Issue
end of i know who SHE really is....not that i HATE her (for become "unexpectedly" famous bcoz of this song...wek!!!)...its just... the song is super "WEIRD".....lalala~
LOL to the max.....
sh*t...why am i here??? o_O
thats the question i asked myself as i am sitting in my room and ITS 12.15am and I am listening to Plain White T' new song- Boomerang...(must be im dreaming or i have been posses by some evil spirit or something..nah!!)...
1. due to the fact that i dont have "a hands" of a good writer especially when u talk about blogging
2. i have a low level of English language (low level i mean SUPER LOW... lol...i know this by taking an english test few days ago and the result is so "disappointing"..FML)
3. i dont have any input/any interesting things to talk about!!!???
4. No idea *gulp*
1. Im bored....i guess
2. i have interesting "stuff" to talk about...I do (110% level of confidence+Pizza)...just have to wait and see if I have one....hehehe
3. bcoz there are some things that i really2 need to let it out/ make me feel better...
4...and other things that matters to me and sometimes make me wanna LAUGH until tear drops out of my eyes or I choke on something...wek!!!!
5....or maybe...(i just said MAYBE)...i can improved my ENGLISH grammar and Vocab...who knows right..MIRACLES do happen sometimes...
so....this blog is basically about things THAT MATTER to me (which i may find it super funny/annoying/stupid /serious..bla..bla..bla...all in one PLACE...)
There you go...the "why" and "reasons" im here... i mean WHY NOT!!!
"ideas...inspirations... desperations...expression....impression"
Stuff that make me laugh today
(i just love this show...made my day)
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